Journal articles
Kušić K (2023) Rethinking international intervention through coeval engagement: Non-formal youth education and the politics of improvement. Review of International Studies. Online First (Open Access).
Kušić K (2022) Land and human-soil relations in Southeast Europe, in: Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, 18.11.2022. Read full text.
Kušić K (2021) Balkan subjects in intervention literature: The politics of overrepresentation and reconstruction. Journal of International Relations and Development, 24:4 (2021), pp. 910–31. Read full text.
Edited Volumes
Kušić K and Záhora J (eds) (2020) Fieldwork as Failure: Living and Knowing in the Field of International Relations. Bristol: E-International Relations.
Kušić K, Lottholz P and Manolova P (eds) (2019) Decolonial Theory and Practice in Southeast Europe. Sofia: dVERSIA.
Kušić K (2024) What’s in a Land Grab?: Knowing Dispossession and Land in Southeast Europe. In: Felix Anderl (ed) Epistemologies of Land. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Kušić K (2022) Land politics and conflict. In O. Richmond, G. Visoka (eds), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Kušić K (2020) Interpretation by proxy? Interpretive fieldwork with local associates in areas of restricted research access. In: Bliesemann de Guevara B and Bøås M (eds) Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Kušić K (2020) I Don’t Know What to do with Myself: ‘I’ as a tool, a voice, and an object in writing. In: Kušić K and Záhora J (eds) Fieldwork as Failure: Living and Knowing in the Field of International Relations. Bristol: E-International Relations.
Kušić K and Záhora J (2020) Fieldwork, Failure, IR. In Kušić K and Záhora J (eds) Fieldwork as Failure: Living and Knowing in the Field of International Relations. Bristol: E-International Relations. pp. 1-16.
Kušić K, Lottholz P and Manolova P (2019) From dialogue to practice: Pathways towards decoloniality in Southeast Europe. In: Kušić K, Lottholz P and Manolova P (eds) (2019) Decolonial Theory and Practice in Southeast Europe. Sofia: dVERSIA. pp. 7-52.
2023. My First (Almost) Extinction Event. Women* Write the Balkans.
2022. Materialities of inequality and the epistemic potential of SEE. BISA South East Europe Working Group blog series.
2022. Land on the Move: Inequality and Consolidation of Agricultural Land in Serbia. With Slađana Lazić. LeftEast.
2022. Lessons for the “Green” Transition: Learning from Cooperatives in Former Yugoslavia. Berliner Gazette. After Extractivism - BG 2022.
2020. Fieldwork as Failure podcast on Opinion Peace, podcast by the Centre for Peace Studies, UiT.
2019. Early career interview, E-International Relations.
Book Reviews
Kušić K (2023) Review: Peace and security in the Balkans: a local perspective. Peacebuilding. Online First.
Kušić K (2021) Book review: Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention and Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina by Daniela Lai. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 13:1 (2021), pp. 80–2.
Kušić K (2020) Book review: Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia: 21st Century Manifestations of an Historical Challenge by Valery Perry (ed). Slavic Review, 79:3 (2020), pp. 665–7.
Kušić K (2020) Book Review: Seeing Politics: Film, Visual Method, and International Relations by Sophie Harman, LSE Review of Books.
Kušić K (2017) Book review: The Politics of Transnational Peasant Struggle by Robin Dunford, Journal of Critical Studies (3), pp. 50-54.
Vogel, B, N. Džuverović, S. Tripathi, K. Kušić, M.L. Zapata, S. Ramachandran, N. Dhungana, and B. Taithe. 2024. “Upholding Hierarchies of Knowledge Production: Mundane Obstacles to Global International Relations.” International Studies Perspectives, December, ekae025.