Academic work is based on collaboration. Here are the networks that inspire and support my work.
With a growing number of researchers interested in human-nature relations and political ecology in the (post-) Yugoslav space, we hope to create a platform for conversation, learning, and collaboration.
We propose to meet once a month— join us in the reading group on interdisciplinary political ecology of (post-) Yugoslav environments.
Register for the first event here:
BISA south east europe working group
The SEE WG is a space for debate and research on issues related to political and economic justice, social transformations, and security of the South East Europe region.
Ethnographic Methods in Political Science
I have benefitted immensely from the great work of the Themengruppe Ethnografische Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft at the German Political Science Association (DVPW).
I am an associate member of The Centre for Global Knowledge Studies, a multi-disciplinary research centre based at CRASSH, University of Cambridge, the University of Groningen.
DIALOGUING between ‘the posts’
I am a founding member of a network researching post-socialist and post-/decolonial perspectives on domination, hierarchy and resistance in South East Europe.