Book launch ‘Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention and Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina’ by Daniela Lai (Cambridge University Press, 2020) @ Gender Institute at Royal Holloway


The final episode of the Epistemologies of Land Webcast Series, convened by Felix Anderl @ The Centre for Global Knowledge Studies, University if Cambridge


Book launch ‘Doing fieldwork in areas of international intervention: A guide to research in violent and closed contexts,’ edited by Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Morten Bøås @ BISA



“Subjects beyond Intervention: Politics of Improvement in Serbia,” presentation at the seminar series of the Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy, Royal Holloway, University of London. January 18, 2023. Online.

Invited speaker at the roundtable Different Perspectives on Critical Ethnography, at the workshop Critical Ethnography, organised by the DVPW working group Ethnografische Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft and the Center for Conflict Studies at Philipps-University, Marburg. November 3-4, 2022, Marburg.

Invited speaker at the roundtable Caring Economies, at the After Extractivism workshop, organised by The Berliner Gazette. Berlin, October 13-15,2022.

“Temporalities of intervention thinking in the Balkans,” invited speaker at the African Studies Global Virtual Forum, Penn State. Online, June 10, 2022.

Invited speaker at the roundtable Worlding/Provincialising IR from Eastern Europe, in the DoingIPS seminar series. February 11, 2022. Online.

Invited speaker at the roundtable Postcolonial Perspectives on East and Southeast European Studies, at the X. Dr. Fritz Exner Colloquium on Southeast European Studies, Southeastern Europe is dead? Long live Southeastern Europe! Positionalities in an Interdisciplinary Research Area, Frankfurt (Oderr)/Hybrid, October 14, 2021.

Invited speaker at the closing roundtable for the web series Epistemologies of Land, gloknos, CRASSH, University of Cambridge. Online, July 13, 2021.

Invited roundtable speaker at the workshop The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles, organised by Decolonial Subversions and Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe–Global Area.Online, September 10, 2020. 

Invited speaker at the book launch of ‘Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention and Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina,’ by Daniela Lai (Cambridge University Press, 2020), at the Gender Institute, Royal Holloway.

Invited roundtable speaker at the book launch of Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention organised by BISA. Online, May 19, 2020. 

Self-esteem, productivity, and ‘failure’: managing expectations during lockdown. BISA Postgraduate Network. Online, April 23, 2020.

South East Europe and the International: Critical mappings and Future Directions. Queen’s University Belfast. BISA South East Europe Working Group meeting. January 2020.  

“The Balkan Subject in Intervention Literatures,” invited paper at the International Politics Research Seminar, Aberystwyth University, November 7, 2019.

“Translating Colonial Difference: Progress and resistance in Serbian agriculture,” invited talk at the Social Movements Seminar, Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton, May 15, 2018.

“Governing through Intervention: Subjectivity and resistance in agricultural government in Serbia,” paper delivered at the Brown Bag Seminar Series at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, November 21, 2017.

Conference papers

“Political Ecologies of Land in South East Europe: Development, Conservation, and the Remaking of Human-Soil Relations,” paper presented at the conference Practicing Solidarity for the Future, Zagreb, September 14-16 2022.

“Knowing International Politics from Contested Lands in South East Europe,” paper presented at the International Studies Association annual convention. Online, April 8, 2021.

“Peripheral Entanglements between the Balkans and Latin America: On Positionality, Epistemic Privilege, and Epistemic Confinement," with Desiree Poets (Virgina Tech), paper presented at Millennium. Online, October 2020.

"Making agricultural land between socialism and capitalism," paper presented at POLLEN (Political Ecology Network). Online, September 2020.

“Agriculture and land in SEE,” paper presented at the Conjunctural Geographies of Postsocialist and Postcolonial Conditions: Theory Thirty Years after 1989 workshop, organised by Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe–Global Area. Online, May 14-16, 2020.

“Distance and Closeness in the Balkan Academic Diaspora,” paper presented at the “Samo vjeran pas?” Workshop on Post-Yugoslav Neoliberal Academic Selves and Possibilities of Knowing the Balkans Otherwise. University of St Gallen (HSG), in cooperation with the University of Neuchâtel (UniNE), Switzerland. February 2020.

“Translating Difference: Progress and resistance in Serbian agriculture,” paper presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies summer convention, Zagreb, June 2019.

“Locating Subjects, Dislocating Intervention,” paper presented at the joint Central and East European International Studies Association and International Studies Association conference, Belgrade, June 2019.

“Translating the Local-International Divide in Interventions: Progress and resistance in Serbia,” paper presented at the European International Studies Association Annual Convention, Prague, September 2018.

“Translating Difference: Progress and resistance in Serbian agriculture,” paper presented at the British International Studies Annual Conference, Bath, June 2018.

“What's a Free Market Good for? Logics of resistance to land grabs in Serbia,” paper presented at the “Everyday Revolutions in Southern and Eastern Europe,” Manchester, May 2017.

“Resisting ‘Transition:’ Lands Rights Contestation in (Neo)liberal Serbia,” paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, February 2017.

“Governing 'the Local': Political education for 'apathetic' youth in Serbia,” paper presented at the British International Studies Annual Conference, Edinburgh, June 2016.

“Finding ‘the Local’ in Interventions,” paper presented at the Aberystwyth-Lancaster Graduate Colloquium, University of Aberystwyth, May 2015.